Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Everything After Zero

by: QUIK

Hey everyone, I wanted to give a little love to my friends from Everything After Zero. I got in touch with these guys through my youtube channel after discovering their awesome Charlie Sheen tribute which I will link to below. They are a really awesome metal band with the blood of the old Gods of Metal flowing through their veins. If you liked Fated’s review of Brütal Legend you will really enjoy listening to their songs at : Everything After Zero youtube channel CLICK ME.
Check out the track going viral now called Charlie Sheen-Core and make sure you subscribe to them if you like the tracks and do say “Hi”. Those guys are really cool and they’ll appreciate gaining new fans.

Retro gaming

by: QUIK

I am so glad I remember this age of video games. =)
Make sure you watch it full screen in 720p.

Found on Check out Andrew’s blog.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quikhax–the webcomic

by: QUIK


I am drawing a little webcomic called … you guessed it – Quikhax. It’s a little side-project I have started just to play around with my graphic design skills. Even though I can’t draw for the life of me, it’s a cool and relaxing activity I do when I am not working on a million other projects I am working on (including a sketch comedy youtube channel, but my video editing skills are horrible). There is no regular schedule yet, I have too much on my hands to commit at the moment but I will TRY to post a new comic at least bi-monthly. The comic is random, geek craziness and I will admit right now that although I have the scripts for it prepared for the next few weeks (SPOILER: The new story line beginning with the comic #3 might have something to do with a funky cigarette cartoon Quik finds in his apartment since it now has backgrounds hehe) I still haven’t decided where this comic is ultimately going. Anyway, here is the link and a banner if you want to link to my comic on your website / web-project. Enjoy! QUIKHAX - The comic series

Quikhax Banner

PC vs. Console Gaming

by: QUIK


Hey yourgamesux fans! Not a lot going on gaming-wise for me. Fated, myself and our friend Pat pretty much play nothing but Rift. Well Fated is really enjoying some Shogun II and his review should be up here really soon.

I have finished Dead Space last night. I enjoyed the game greatly (even though I got pulled away from it by … yes, you guessed it, Rift), and I chose for my next single player game – Assassin’s Creed 2. If you remember my review of the original game for Xbox I enjoyed it very much. In fact I enjoyed it so much I am looking at an awesome Altair figurine standing on my desk right now.

I got Assassin’s Creed 2 for the PC. I have a really powerful computer and it puts consoles to shame. Yes, if I got a Blu-Ray drive for it (which I do intend to get to enjoy HD content on my beautiful monitor) it will put all your PS3s to shame. I had a friend come over and showed him Dead Space (which I believe I mentioned in my review of that game) and he commented how much better it looks on my PC then when he played it on the Xbox. This said, the controls for the PC version of Dead Space were very well thought out. You can tell the game wasn’t simply a console port to a PC but a lot of love was put into a PC version. I am very disappointed to say that is not the case with Assassin’s Creed 2. Although the game looks very beautiful the controls leave much to be desired (to put it lightly). They are complete poop. This is a game clearly intended for a console, hastily ported over to a PC. I could be completely wrong about this but I’m sorry, it’s just how it seems to me and how the gameplay on a keyboard and mouse feels. So what should I do to remedy this situation?

As soon as I get a chance I will purchase a gamepad for my PC, one that will work with my 360 as well. I love how my games look on my PC and I love the fact that I can play all my new games in 1920x1080 screen resolution which you console maniacs can’t say about a lot of games. The visual effects are better and better with each new game coming out while games on consoles look crappier and crappier taking shortcuts for rapidly aging hardware. As I mentioned before, as soon as I get a decent gamepad and a Blu-Ray drive, I will have a far superior gaming machine then all you PS3 / 360 owners.

You may argue: “But Quik, you are missing out on a lot of fun games like Uncharted and little indie games like pixel junk shooter or Limbo”. Well dear reader, you got me with Uncharted. It’s one of those games I would love to play, however considering I have been out of the gaming scene for a loong time I still have tons of games to catch up on, so I will not lose sleep over a single title. As for indie games, seriously, have you non-PC gaming people been living under a rock? Steam turned the PC into the ULTIMATE gaming console. 1. I can purchase any game and have it downloaded in a flash anytime I want. 2. You haven’t seen an indie game selection until you’ve seen one on Steam. 3. My games are much cheaper then their console counter-parts. 4. Cloud saving, enough said. 5. I can be on any PC and in a flash install Steam and have all my games available to me. I don’t have to carry around lame cases with hardware and discs. 6. Best – multiplayer – existance – possible, unmatches by any console (including the fact that I can set up my own server to host a game). Also, as I miss out on Uncharted, all you console players will miss out on most TBS games. How is that Shogun 2 Fated? Better then Civilization 5? How about some Dawn of War II this weekend before we jump into the incredible experience that is MMORPG, in this case – Rift.

I am a PC gamer. I turned to the dark side for a long time but I have seen the light and it’s neon blue (on two fans gently cooling my powerful friend next to me). Now to decide which gamepad to choose because I really want to play my Assassin’s Creed 2 (which looks absolutely amazing by the way). I’m probably going to go with the Microsoft 360 wireless controller with a PC adapter included. Any recommendations from you PC gamers?

Anyway, these were just some thoughts that popped into my head after trying A.C. 2 tonight. Visit us soon for Shogun 2 review by Fated (which based on his e-mails to me descibing various battles and sieges and scenarios will be quite epic) and a review of Plants vs. Zombies by me followed by  Borderlands, NFS: Undercover, Saint’s Row and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (not necessarily in that particular order).

Stay cool kids. =)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

10 Reasons Why Rift…


This is a great, short article I read this morning before work over at out friends’ website Furious Fanboys:

10 Reasons Why Rift Should Be Your New MMO

I am really enjoying Rift so I am running in full fanboy mode right now. Expect me to be geeking out over this game kinda in a same way a 6 year old Japanese girl freaks out over new Hello Kitty backpack. ^_^

Speakin’ of Rift me and Fated completed our first epic quest last night, I was surprised how badly (and quickly) we kicked that scary elite’s butt!

Monday, March 14, 2011



Hey everyone, me and Fated just got Rift and we are both loving it so far (well, we’ll see if Fated loves it as much as I when he reviews it eventually). It would be really cool if someone who stumbles onto this site would like to play with us. We would love to eventually either join or create a guild for mature and friendly adults with whom we would do instances, guild events, and one day end-game content raids. So yeah, if you’d like to play with me and Fated let us know, we play on the North American server called Shadefallen (ummm I think that’s it). E-mail me and I’ll give you our character names so you can say “hi” to us in Rift =)
That’s all for now.


News Update for March 14 2011


It turns out I goofed up using Windows Live Writer to update this site. In order to keep yourgamesux reviews in a same format I opened an older review and wrote a new review for me or Fated “on top” of the old one. Well it turns out that Live Writer replaced the old review with the new one, hence we lost a couple of reviews from the site (including I’m really sad to say, my very recent review of VVVVVV (I am so sad about that, I really had fun with that one). From now on I will first save every review on my pc before posting it up on the net. I am really sorry about it and I feel just awful.

Anyway, enjoy our most recent reviews, Fated did Brutal Legend (which I loved btw) and I reviewed Dead Space.


Honest review by: FATED


As children, we tend to develop a passion for iconic representations of the culture in which we spend the first decade or so of our lives. Think of how many people love the Lamborghini Countach, or Bruce Lee movies, or all the music from when you grew up. Likewise, Brutal Legends appeal is directly proportional to your age. If the only time in your childhood that you heard of Metallica was the Napster lawsuit, and you only know Ozzy Osbourne from his MTV reality show, this game may not be for you.

Brutal Legend is, first and foremost, a guided tour through the history of Metal, its greatest and most influential songs. The soundtrack is in fact so comprehensive, that releasing it as an album has proved difficult because of licensing conflicts. The music, to a fan, is a wonderful collection of the various styles of metal from its roots in bands like Black Sabbath, the height of its popularity in the days of Motley Crue, to the modern sounds of Marilyn Manson. Rather than playing the game, one is tempted to simply cue up a few songs and enjoy the best radio station ever.

Tim Shafer also put the heart and soul of metal into the art and story of the game, which is incredibly beautiful. Everything is just so full of all the right details, from references to devil worship, hell, demons, Vikings, Harley’s, to a stunning landscape and native fauna borne of a crazy musical dream.

Your antagonist is perfect: Its hair “metal”, the sold out for money, soulless, talentless big money 80’s failscade version of true heavy metal. Glam rock is your antithesis and it’s the best enemy to fight against, ever.

The gameplay, by contrast to the incredible art, story, music and dialogue, is average. It stands out so much because it is not made of the pure awesome that every other part of the game is. Please understand, it’s not that the gameplay is bad, it’s just not great. It is a mix of a 1st person real time strategy and an action game, though truthfully, I didn’t enjoy the “stage battles”. It was because I’d rather get back to cruising around the beautiful game listening to great songs.

In a way, Brutal Legend is too good. It’s so good in some areas you almost wish there wasn’t a game there, just an interactive soundtrack.