Honest review by: QUIK
Yoo Ninja! Free and Yoo Ninja Plus are two games I am currently enjoying on my smartphone. Both games are available free on the Android Market (with ads) and for about $2 on the iTunes app store.
The premise is quite simple. You control a little ninja who runs across the screen left to right and can either run upside down or normally. The levels have platforms either above the ninja or below him with traps and holes in which you can fall. You change whether you run on the ceiling or the floor by single tapping the screen (the android version at least). I believe the first screen before the game starts will explain it better then I can:
The game is incredibly fun and addictive. There are no loading screens between stages and you can continuously play the game non-stop in one crazy long sitting. The stages are not very long and if you want to quickly do a single stage while commuting to work or school you definitely can. The game saves every time you pass a check point which sort of ends a stage and begins a new one. It’s casual, it’s very, very fun and for free or even $2 you can’t go wrong getting it. I’ll give these games 4.5/5 losing .5 point for maybe being a little too short but I’m honestly just being picky.
It beats every other game with it's sheer speed ;) The real fun begins only at the later stages of last leve... superb!!!!