Honest review by: QUIK

I feel this game got a really worse rap then it should have. Rage is a very fun FPS game set in a post-apocalyptic looking Earth…that looks kind of like Pandora in Borderlands… but around a city kind-of like in Fallout 3… but when the monsters run out at you, you feel like you’re in Doom 3 and… you know what? Enough of this, alright people, there is not a single original idea out there anymore. If you tried hard enough you could compare any game you play to any other game and any sci-fi show out there etc. etc.. We get it, Rage is sort-of like Fallout and Borderlands. Got it? Good! We can move on. The voice acting in the game is very well done. The first npc you meet is voiced by John Goodman and sir, if you are reading this, you have done a mighty fine job. I loved being in the company of Dan Hagar and at this point I would like to loudly voice my only negative opinion about this game: why is it so damn short???
Rage is beautiful folks and somehow I honestly feel that id sacrificed story and character development for that. In the second town you end up in, the Sheriff and Mayor characters are epic. The way they are designed, their offices their surroundings… you want to know them. Become their friend, help them or destroy them. Such a missed opportunity here folks. Almost everyone you meet in Rage you want to get to know and learn about because the characters are so well designed graphically and the voice acting, why id? Why would you create these wonderful characters that are so individual and original and cool looking and sounding and then have them say and do so little? This is the biggest downer in this game folks. If you are expecting a Fallout 3 type adventure you will be disappointed. This game is a shooter. A straight up shooter. Nothing more. It has a couple of mini-games, sure, but it’s only a shooter. The setup though makes you feel you will get more, much more. This is what I got out of Rage, an awesome shooter game that opens up a world of possibilities marketing wise. The world id designed for Rage is so beautiful and detailed you could easily create a whole lot of titles just in the Rage universe. If this is a marketing plot to show us this beautiful, detailed world, make us fall in love with it and then have us buy whatever crap you throw at us branded with the Rage logo on it – then mission accomplished sirs! Considering how the game ends (no spoiler kids) I might not be that far off from the truth.
Rage is a beautiful and unfortunately a bit too short first person shooter game that is designed to make you believe you are playing a post-apocalyptic rpg. It has plenty of fun mini-games to prolong the experience but not too much re-playability. I think you will have fun playing Rage but only if you’ve paid for it < $40.