Honest review by: QUIK
I just finished playing this game last night. I don’t remember last time I took my time with a game as much as I have with Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I savored every moment, every second of this game. On every mission and area I made sure I visited every location, found every hidden passage, talked to everyone and done all the side-quests. I didn’t want it to end so I stretched it as much as it was possible. Did I do all that because I was in my typical fan-boy mode? The answer is “no”. Deus Ex (just like the first, original game) is set in such a detailed and amazing cyber-punk world that you can’t help yourself but want to explore and see everything. Even checking e-mails when hacking on people’s personal computer terminals is amazingly fun (SPOILER: I hope that poor guy will get his stapler back and I assure you, no one will post those nasty things on his computer again ). Even random NPCs who will only say two sentences to you are often fun to talk to and their responses will depend on what is currently going on in the world.
The story is everything you would expect from a Deus Ex game. Cyber-punk world, shadow governments, conspiracies and deceptions. The game often surprised me in a sense that I often can predict things about characters and situations in games because the game designers hinted at them too much. That is not the case with Deus Ex. I felt at least twice, that I knew exactly how something was going to work out with certain characters and I was completely wrong. This game is anything but predictable.
I highly, highly recommend this game to any gamer out there enjoying playing a game with an amazing story in an incredible world. To anyone who loves cyber-punk, loved “Blade Runner” etc., you MUST check out this game.
If Deus Ex: Human Revolution got any negative points, it would only be for the game being just a tad too short (at least compared to the original). When I did the final mission I was honestly surprised, I thought I would get to visit at least two more cities. Considering how beautiful the game graphics are maybe they just couldn’t fit anymore content, perhaps Eidos is as greedy as all other game companies out there and instead of putting more missions right in the game they will release them as DLC (first one scheduled for October). Whatever the case, I can’t wait for the next Deus Ex game and I really look forward to all the DLC that we can look forward to.